TYPO3 extensions adapted by toouls
Here you can take a deeper look into the extensions we've adapted for our website packages, all the functionalities a professional website needs for even big companies, but at an affordable price. Make your website sexy and offer your services and products online.
Adapted Extensions
These are the special features we offer you in our packages or at an additional cost (depending on the feature)

Grid Gallery
Use this extension to let TYPO3 easily Resize and rearrange all the images into a dynamic animated gallery
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Page Teasers
TYPO3 Page Teaser extension. Easy and fast way to generate preview items of selected pages or all the sub-pages of a selected page. Choose from different templates, cards, list items or mouse over…
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Address Book
People want transparency and see who is behind a company's name, the bigger the company, the harder it will be to manage contacts and information about people to present it. It is necessary to have an…
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Event Management
This extension helps you manage your pool of events and allow users to pre-register to the event and send e-mail reminders for payment. You can also activate e-mail confirmations for registration and…
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Front-End login
Offer the possibility to have front end users in your website! Let the users register themselves and set content or pages to be shown only if they are logged-in. In combination with Event Management,…
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